The Problem

Home care clients are increasingly medically complex, have limited access to effective chronic disease management and high emergency department (ED) visitation rates. There is a need for more appropriate and targeted hospital avoidance strategies for home care clients.


What is the DIVERT Trial?

The Detection of Indicators and Vulnerabilities of Emergency Room Trips (DIVERT) — Collaboration Action Research and Evaluation (CARE) Trial, a pragmatic, cluster randomized design was conducted in 36 distinct geographical regions in 3 Canadian Provinces. 


What is the DIVERT Scale?

The DIVERT Scale is an output from interRAI Home Care and Community Assessments.  The DIVERT Scale identifies risk for future Emergency Department visits. Using the DIVERT Scale we were able to target and deploy an intervention to support the patient, facilitate self-management skills building, and strengthen collaboration with the health team.


The Purpose of this Website

On this website you will find all trial resources including; how we used the interRAI DIVERT Scale to target home care patients with cardiorespiratory symptoms at risk for future emergency department visits, the intervention comprised of 8 components – each with tools and forms for easy implementation, and suggested training based on the trial.


Watch Bev’s Story, one patient’s success story from our feasibility pilot study.


Bev is a COPD home care patient with the HNHB CCAC. In this video, she shares her experience as a participant in the DIVERT CARE catalyst study.


Start learning about the DIVERT Scale


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